1. USE WHAT YOU HAVE is a spiritual concept that is often confused for lack! Not so! Using what you have is all about your ability to recognize and make use of that which surrounds you, that which is available to YOU in that very moment!
2. If you really think about it, the Universe is aware of everything you need. Is it possible you may need to reframe what you perceive as not enough and look at things through the lens of this is the EXACT amount of what I need to get me where I want to be?
3. This concept is all about resourcefulness, which is a VERY ABUNDANT concept! Think about it, if you have the ability to see opportunity where others miss it, you are tuned towards MORE! This more is a match to your ability to recognize it in the not so obvious places! That makes YOU LIT BOO!

I love you! 🫶🏾 Keep Going Girl!

Listen to Keep Going Girl with elle. Podcast by clicking HERE


LESSONS IN LOVE — 5 years later